Tiago Moço Ferreira
Consultant and Researcher in Transportation Systems

PhD with +10 years of experience in Transportation Systems & Infrastructures with main focus on design, modelling, simulation, predictive maintenance and resilience.
Participation in international research, foresight, advisory and consultancy projects.
Apply technical expertise, managing skills and critical thinking to develop strategic, creative and sustainable projects that contribute to shape a better world.
“I have no doubts he is someone who can easily integrate in teams and quickly evolve into leading roles in those teams, always performing at high level”
José Manuel Viegas
Secretary General
International Transport Forum – OECD
Link to recommendation letter
“Quickness in assimilating knowledge and desire to go as far as possible in thinking. Overall view of subjects from technical aspects to commercial and economical”
Andrés López Pita
Full Professor
Technical University of Barcelona – UPC
Link to recommendation letter
“He has an excellent profile for team building, professional networking and leadership, namely within international contexts”
Luis Valadares Tavares
Foresight Observatory for Technology
Link to recommendation letter
“Tiago is among the best students I have been in contact. An exquisite one-on-one personal relationship, empathy and attitude to face challenging scientific problems”
Sebastià Olivella
Full Professor | Dean
Technical University of Barcelona – UPC
Link to recommendation letter
“Extraordinary aptitude for understanding, formulating and solving complex research problems, along with outstanding work capabilities and sense of responsibility”
Paulo Fonseca Teixeira
Assistant Professor
Instituto Superior Técnico – Univ. Lisbon
Link to recommendation letter
“He is outstanding compared to his peers at IST Lisbon, where he completed his PhD, playing a key role in several research projects”
Luis Martinez
Transport Analyst
International Transport Forum – OECD
Link to recommendation letter
Main competences developed in the course of the PhD in Transportation Systems and matured in Engineering and Consultancy companies in the fields of Transport and Infrastructures.
Design | Modelling | Simulation | Planning | Operations | Capacity | Resilience | Maintenance & Renewal | Railways | Roadways | Airways | Logistics | Safety Analysis | Risk & Vulnerability Assessment | RAMS & Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Data Mining | Big Data | Statistics | Machine Learning | System Dynamics | Multi-modal Simulations | Traffic Planning | Agent-based Modelling | GIS-based Data | Finite Element Analysis | Constitutive Modelling of Unsaturated Soils
Coordination | Team Building | Negotiation | Reporting | Assessment | Project Creation | Communication | Negotiation | Procurement | Organization Scientific Events | Reviews in SCI Journals | Consultancy | Advisory | Foresight
Extensive experience in finite element programming, implementation and validation of advanced constitutive models and development of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical coupled analysis.
Structural & Geomechanical Modelling:
Traffic Simulation & Planning:
Programming and technical computing:
Code development tools:
Analytics/Data mining:
Microsoft Office applications:
Web design:
Higher Education learning degrees from the Master to the PhD.
– Training courses not included –
PhD thesis title:
“Design of railway track substructure modelling the long term thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour due to traffic and environmental actions”
The research was developed in the field of transportation and geoenvironmental engineering:
Main topics covered:
• Transport Policy and Institutions
• Business Models and Contracts
• Simulation Systems for Land-Use/Transport
• Research Methodologies in Social Sciences
• Risk and Decision Making
• Transport Demand Modelling
• Freight Transport and Logistics
• Rail, Road and Airport Infrastructure Engineering
Some subjects covered:
• Bridges | Steel and Composite Structures
• Structural Dynamics & Earthquake engineering
• Regional and Urban Planning
• Fundamentals of Spatial Planning
• Management and Decision Analysis
• Operational Research
• Sustainable Development and Innovation
• Ethics and Social Responsibility
Expert in Transportation Systems & Infrastructures with main focus on design, modelling, simulation, predictive maintenance and resilience. Participation in international research, foresight, advisory and consultancy projects.
Consultant and project team leader in the fields of:
Performing as Arup’s European Rail Digital Delegate in foresight advisory services.
Consultant in projects of railway and transit systems (Commuters, High Speed, Hyperloop, Metro, Light Rail Transit, Airport APMs, railway Stations, etc.)
Risk & Safety analysis of railway infrastructures along with planning and simulation of operational capacity of railway systems for governmental authorities, private clients, financial entities, constructor companies & concessionaires.
Increased Capacity 4 Rail networks through enhanced infrastructure and optimised operations.
C4R brought together the major stakeholders of industry, infrastructure managers, railway undertakers, engineering and academic sciences.
Definition of design requirements and guidelines to improve the resilience of railway infrastructures against climate change; Simulation and Modelling; Operations; LCC and RAMS analysis.
Development of a constitutive model suitable to analyse infrastructure behaviour due to traffic and geoenvironmental actions. Assessment of infrastructure resilience to climate change and extreme weather events.
The BBBM (Barcelona Bubble Basic Model) was programmed and implemented as part of the finite element program CODE_BRIGHT.
The research was performed in collaboration with the Departments of Geotechnical Engineering and Transport Engineering.
Improvement and development of methodologies to assess the track deterioration, maintenance and cost prediction, both for existing conventional lines and for future high-speed lines.
The research also included finite element modelling to assess the impact of extreme weather events on railway infrastructure.
Software application to assess track deterioration, infrastructure maintenance and cost prediction.
Development of a computerized Decision Support System (DSS) that integrates track degradation models, calibrated and validated with historical data from inspections in the Portuguese railway network, to support railway track M&R decisions.
Development of new structural solutions and design optimization through FE modelling & LCC analysis.
Improvement of the structural design of high speed railway tracks in order to reduce maintenance costs through the incorporation of a bituminous subballast layer instead of the conventional granular subballast.
A list of some articles published in international SCI journals and presented in international conferences, congresses and workshops.
Articles published in international SCI journals and conference proceedings
Moço-Ferreira, T., Cardoso, R., Fernandes, V., and Teixeira, P. F. (2014) “Influence of atmospheric actions in the performance of railway embankments built with different subgrade soils. Proceedings of 14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, September 22-25, Kyoto, Japan.
Moço-Ferreira, T. and Teixeira, P. F. (2012) “Rail track performance with different subballast solutions: traffic and environmental effects on subgrade service life”. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 138(12) 1541-1550.
Cardoso, R., Fernandes, V., Moço-Ferreira, T. and Teixeira, P. F. (2012). “Settlement prediction of high-speed railway embankments considering the accumulation of wetting and drying cycles”. Proceedings of 2nd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications, June 20-22, Napoly, Italy.
Moço-Ferreira, T., Teixeira, P. F. and Cardoso, R. (2011). “Impact of Bituminous Subballast on Railroad Track Deformation Considering Atmospheric Actions.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 137(3), 288-292.
Moço-Ferreira, T., Teixeira, P.F. (2011). “Impact of different drainage solutions in the behaviour of railway trackbed layers due to atmospheric actions”. Proceedings of 9th International Congress on Railway Research, WCRR 2011, May 22-26, Lille, France.
Moço-Ferreira, T., Teixeira, P.F. and Cardoso, R. (2009). “Effects of incorporating a bituminous subballast layer on the deformation of railway trackbeds”, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Articles presented in international conferences, congresses and workshops
Moço-Ferreira, T. and Teixeira, P. F. (2015). “Impact of different subballast solutions on the service life of the railway substructure” Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering, CMN 2015, June 29 – July 2, Lisbon, Portugal.
Moço-Ferreira, T. and Teixeira, P. F. (2012) “Impact of drainage design on the behaviour of transport infrastructures due to atmospheric actions”. 4th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT users, May 2012, Barcelona, Spain. (personal invitation)
Fernandes, V., Cardoso, R., Moço-Ferreira, T. and Teixeira, P. F. (2011) “Efeito de ciclos de molhagem e secagem no comportamento de um solo siltoso usado na construção de um aterro ferroviário”. XIII Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia / VI Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Geotecnia, April 17-20, Lisbon, Portugal.
Moço-Ferreira, T., Teixeira, P. F. and Cardoso, R. (2010). “Influence of incorporating a bituminous subballast layer on the deformations of railway trackbed due to climate actions”. XVI Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics PANAM 2010, July 15-18, Lisbon, Portugal.
Moço-Ferreira, T., Teixeira, P.F., López-Pita, A., Ferreira, P. A. and Caetano, L. F. (2010). “Innovation on high-speed track structural design through the use of bituminous material and its impact on infrastructure life cycle costs”, XVI Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics PANAM 2010, July 15-18, Lisbon, Portugal.
Moço-Ferreira, T., Cardoso, R. and Teixeira, P. F. (2009). “Comparação de duas soluções para infra-estruturas ferroviárias considerando os deslocamentos verticais devidos às acções atmosféricas”, Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (METNUM), June 29 – July 2, Barcelona, Spain.
Research technical reports not included
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